this is what i chose and no i’m not sorry and yes if you’d ask i’d do it again
Type of Show
Short Play
Performance Type
1 act
60 min
Performing Groups
Professional Theatre
Community Theatre
High School/Secondary
Tech Requirements
Minimal. The play does have a choice mechanism which can be activated by audience, students during show, students during rehearsal as best fits production needs.
Cast Summary
11 Brave Bold-hearted Humans (all parts are written so actors of all race, gender, abilities, bodytypes, and class can play the role), expandable ensemble.
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It's been 7-ish months since Will died by suicide.  It's been long enough that it's not "the thing" that everyone's talking about.  But it's still close enough that, like, it's still sort of a thing.  At least to his sister.  And to the girl he hooked up with.  Who has ownership over a tragedy? How do you try and make sense of a loss when you still have to show up and survive school every single day?

Here are three ways to perform this choose-your-own-ending piece:
1: the director picks their favorite path and the show is performed the same every night. 
2: the actor decides in the moment which path the play takes.
3: the audience votes in real time, determining which path the play takes.

One play: three moments of decision, leading to eight possible endings.  The choice is yours. Hit that "read it for free" button above and choose the resource guide for more info on how to pull it off.

Featured in: The Kennedy Center New Visions/New Voices Festival (2020), The 2020 Kilroys List

"Every night the lobby buzzed with the audience debating the choices made and the scenes left unseen. We ended up extending our sold-out run (which then sold out again!) to accommodate families, returning audience members, and friends and our whole community who absolutely loved this show." - Will Kiley, director

**For security purposes, the jump links to pages have been disabled in the perusal script. Please email to request a PDF with active jump links and we'll shoot one your way.**
Even after William’s death, high school life has trudged on. But when Sara & Aimée start planning “Alive Together” to honor William, his sibling Vivian finally takes a stand and ask-demands Sara to cancel the event. 

But should Vivian get to decide, given that William and Sara were “a thing, like romantically” and The Band has been planning their debut for the event? And did anyone think to ask Brett and Aüge who really knew Will, but have been cutting class all year? And what’s going on between Brett and Aüge anyway?
11 Brave Bold-hearted Humans (all parts are written so actors of all race, gender, abilities, bodytypes, and class can play the role), expandable ensemble.
Given multiple endings, an ensemble of 11+ can be used to create the show.
One of The Presiding Royalty Athletes. Sibling to William, the ring leader, most likely to be a poet and never tell you.
One of The Presiding Royalty Athletes. The strong number two, most likely to forget your name because .... ?
One of The Presiding Royalty Athletes. The soft number three, most likely to quote quality movies from the 90s.
A member of The Band. Lead vocals, huge crush on Paul, has a heart for breaking.
A member of The Band. Plays drums like a badass, often the mediator, gives zero f’s.
A member of The Band. Plays guitar, pretty quiet and a little shy, never been kissed.
A member of The Band. Aimée’s sibling, plays bass, likely has a little bit of a crush on Florence, but is like really just trying to be in a band, you know?
One of The Overachievers. The Leader. The CEO. The Change-Maker. ENTJ.
One of The Overachievers. Hooked up with William, likely the COO of any company and its’ Sara with no H. ISTJ.
One of The Rebel Outsiders. Wants a nose ring, can be a real mean mother, “it’s pronounced aug-ee, dumpface.”
One of The Rebel Outsiders. On the cusp of becoming a cool kid, which is cool, man. Wouldn’t mind being a little cooler. But who knows.
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